Android Crosswalk Plugin


Enhanced application performance can be achieved in Android application using the Android Crosswalk Plugin for Cordova.


The Crosswalk Webview Engine plugin changes the default Webview to Crosswalk, which provides consistent, predictable behavior by reducing Android device fragmentation. Crosswalk uses the latest web innovations and APIs, providing a feature rich experience on all Android 4.0+ devices.

Crosswalk Benefits

  • Performance improvements
  • Consistent WebView that doesn't change based on device/Android version
  • Enhanced capabilities: Adds WebRTC, WebAudio and Web Components

Crosswalk Drawbacks

  • Increased memory footprint
  • Increased APK size (about 17MB)
  • Increased size on disk when installed (about 50MB)
  • Crosswalk WebView stores data (IndexedDB, LocalStorage, etc) separately from System WebView



See Also